QPL Compression

The Intel Query Processing Library (Intel QPL) is an open-source library to provide compression and decompression features and it is based on deflate compression algorithm (RFC 1951).

The QPL compression relies on Intel In-Memory Analytics Accelerator(IAA) and Shared Virtual Memory(SVM) technology, they are new features supported from Intel 4th Gen Intel Xeon Scalable processors, codenamed Sapphire Rapids processor(SPR).

For more QPL introduction, please refer to QPL Introduction

QPL Compression Framework

+----------------+       +------------------+
| MultiFD Thread |       |accel-config tool |
+-------+--------+       +--------+---------+
        |                         |
        |                         |
        |compress/decompress      |
+-------+--------+                | Setup IAA
|  QPL library   |                | Resources
+-------+---+----+                |
        |   |                     |
        |   +-------------+-------+
        |   Open IAA      |
        |   Devices +-----+-----+
        |           |idxd driver|
        |           +-----+-----+
        |                 |
        |                 |
        |           +-----+-----+
        +-----------+IAA Devices|
    Submit jobs     +-----------+
    via enqcmd

QPL Build And Installation

$git clone --recursive https://github.com/intel/qpl.git qpl
$mkdir qpl/build
$cd qpl/build
$sudo cmake --build . --target install

For more details about QPL installation, please refer to QPL Installation

IAA Device Management

The number of IAA devices will vary depending on the Xeon product model. On a SPR server, there can be a maximum of 8 IAA devices, with up to 4 devices per socket.

By default, all IAA devices are disabled and need to be configured and enabled by users manually.

Check the number of devices through the following command

#lspci -d 8086:0cfe
6a:02.0 System peripheral: Intel Corporation Device 0cfe
6f:02.0 System peripheral: Intel Corporation Device 0cfe
74:02.0 System peripheral: Intel Corporation Device 0cfe
79:02.0 System peripheral: Intel Corporation Device 0cfe
e7:02.0 System peripheral: Intel Corporation Device 0cfe
ec:02.0 System peripheral: Intel Corporation Device 0cfe
f1:02.0 System peripheral: Intel Corporation Device 0cfe
f6:02.0 System peripheral: Intel Corporation Device 0cfe

IAA Device Configuration And Enabling

The accel-config tool is used to enable IAA devices and configure IAA hardware resources(work queues and engines). One IAA device has 8 work queues and 8 processing engines, multiple engines can be assigned to a work queue via group attribute.

For accel-config installation, please refer to accel-config installation

One example of configuring and enabling an IAA device.

#accel-config config-engine iax1/engine1.0 -g 0
#accel-config config-engine iax1/engine1.1 -g 0
#accel-config config-engine iax1/engine1.2 -g 0
#accel-config config-engine iax1/engine1.3 -g 0
#accel-config config-engine iax1/engine1.4 -g 0
#accel-config config-engine iax1/engine1.5 -g 0
#accel-config config-engine iax1/engine1.6 -g 0
#accel-config config-engine iax1/engine1.7 -g 0
#accel-config config-wq iax1/wq1.0 -g 0 -s 128 -p 10 -b 1 -t 128 -m shared -y user -n app1 -d user
#accel-config enable-device iax1
#accel-config enable-wq iax1/wq1.0


IAX is an early name for IAA

  • The IAA device index is 1, use ls -lh /sys/bus/dsa/devices/iax* command to query the IAA device index.

  • 8 engines and 1 work queue are configured in group 0, so all compression jobs submitted to this work queue can be processed by all engines at the same time.

  • Set work queue attributes including the work mode, work queue size and so on.

  • Enable the IAA1 device and work queue 1.0


Set work queue mode to shared mode, since QPL library only supports shared mode

For more detailed configuration, please refer to IAA Configuration Samples

IAA Unit Test

  • Enabling IAA devices for Xeon platform, please refer to IAA User Guide

  • IAA device driver is Intel Data Accelerator Driver (idxd), it is recommended that the minimum version of Linux kernel is 5.18.

  • Add "intel_iommu=on,sm_on" parameter to kernel command line for SVM feature enabling.

Here is an easy way to verify IAA device driver and SVM with iaa_test

 [ info] alloc wq 0 shared size 128 addr 0x7f26cebe5000 batch sz 0xfffffffe xfer sz 0x80000000
 [ info] test noop: tflags 0x1 num_desc 1
 [ info] preparing descriptor for noop
 [ info] Submitted all noop jobs
 [ info] verifying task result for 0x16f7e20
 [ info] test with op 0 passed

IAA Resources Allocation For Migration

There is no IAA resource configuration parameters for migration and accel-config tool configuration cannot directly specify the IAA resources used for migration.

The multifd migration with QPL compression method will use all work queues that are enabled and shared mode.


Accessing IAA resources requires sudo command or root privileges by default. Administrators can modify the IAA device node ownership so that QEMU can use IAA with specified user permissions.

For example

#chown -R qemu /dev/iax

Shared Virtual Memory(SVM) Introduction

An ability for an accelerator I/O device to operate in the same virtual memory space of applications on host processors. It also implies the ability to operate from pageable memory, avoiding functional requirements to pin memory for DMA operations.

When using SVM technology, users do not need to reserve memory for the IAA device and perform pin memory operation. The IAA device can directly access data using the virtual address of the process.

For more SVM technology, please refer to Shared Virtual Addressing (SVA) with ENQCMD

How To Use QPL Compression In Migration

1 - Installation of QPL library and accel-config library if using IAA

2 - Configure and enable IAA devices and work queues via accel-config

3 - Build QEMU with --enable-qpl parameter

E.g. configure –target-list=x86_64-softmmu –enable-kvm --enable-qpl

4 - Enable QPL compression during migration

Set migrate_set_parameter multifd-compression qpl when migrating, the QPL compression does not support configuring the compression level, it only supports one compression level.

The Difference Between QPL And ZLIB

Although both QPL and ZLIB are based on the deflate compression algorithm, and QPL can support the header and tail of ZLIB, QPL is still not fully compatible with the ZLIB compression in the migration.

QPL only supports 4K history buffer, and ZLIB is 32K by default. ZLIB compresses data that QPL may not decompress correctly and vice versa.

QPL does not support the Z_SYNC_FLUSH operation in ZLIB streaming compression, current ZLIB implementation uses Z_SYNC_FLUSH, so each multifd thread has a ZLIB streaming context, and all page compression and decompression are based on this stream. QPL cannot decompress such data and vice versa.

The introduction for Z_SYNC_FLUSH, please refer to Zlib Manual

The Best Practices

When user enables the IAA device for QPL compression, it is recommended to add -mem-prealloc parameter to the destination boot parameters. This parameter can avoid the occurrence of I/O page fault and reduce the overhead of IAA compression and decompression.

The example of booting with -mem-prealloc parameter

$qemu-system-x86_64 --enable-kvm -cpu host --mem-prealloc ...

An example about I/O page fault measurement of destination without -mem-prealloc, the svm_prq indicates the number of I/O page fault occurrences and processing time.

#echo 1 > /sys/kernel/debug/iommu/intel/dmar_perf_latency
#echo 2 > /sys/kernel/debug/iommu/intel/dmar_perf_latency
#echo 3 > /sys/kernel/debug/iommu/intel/dmar_perf_latency
#echo 4 > /sys/kernel/debug/iommu/intel/dmar_perf_latency
#cat /sys/kernel/debug/iommu/intel/dmar_perf_latency
IOMMU: dmar18 Register Base Address: c87fc000
                <0.1us   0.1us-1us    1us-10us  10us-100us   100us-1ms    1ms-10ms      >=10ms     min(us)     max(us) average(us)
 inv_iotlb           0         286         123           0           0           0           0           0           1           0
inv_devtlb           0         276         133           0           0           0           0           0           2           0
   inv_iec           0           0           0           0           0           0           0           0           0           0
   svm_prq           0           0       25206         364         395           0           0           1         556           9